Sunday, November 4, 2007

Have You Started?

51 days and counting....have you started your Christmas shopping? Given that I am due 4 days before Christmas I have started the process of purchasing all those gifts for the loved ones. I am not sure what Greg and I are going to do this year for each other. In years past we would often go shopping together and point out things to each other that we like; we then would split up for a few hours and go purchase those things. Yeah, 9 times out of 10 we know what we are then getting but we still have fun doing it that way. This year I am not sure that I will be up for the full day of browsing and then purchasing. My feet don't like to be used as much as they use to. I have entered the lovely stage of pregnancy that results in swollen ankles and feet. It's fun to take off your socks and see a 1/2 inch indentation around your whole ankle! Anyways, I want to say good luck to all your shoppers out there. It seems like each year it gets harder and harder to find that perfect gift for someone. Just remember 51 and counting! Get a move on it! :) Oh- and I choose this picture because sometimes just reading about having to buy Christmas gifts can get your anxiety up and so this picture represents the peaceful side of the upcoming season. This is the side that I hope we can all take the time to enjoy as God creates some beautiful images with all those tiny little ice crystals!

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