Sunday, December 23, 2007

Passing The Time

I love to bake...just don't ever do it for some reason. However, with the recent "delay" of baby I got into a baking mood. It started out with making my annual batch of banket. I must say that this year's is probably the best so far, I think I am finally starting to get the hang of it. Quiet tasty! I am responsible for making it each year for my family (Great Grandma use to but since she has passed on I now carry on the tradition) and really didn't anticipate getting it done before Christmas because I thought I would be having a baby by now... :) Anyways, while softening the butter for the banket I saw a recipe for "Best Ever Butter Cookies" on the inside of the butter package. Being pregnant, it doesn't take much for me to suddenly crave something I had no desire for 2 seconds earlier. So, I made Christmas cookies as well. But we ended up with only tree shaped cookies because apparently that is all the cookies cutters that I have?!? They are quiet tasty I hear (I have had too much banket to try a cookie...sugar overload). So....for those of you wanting a good Christmas cookie recipe buy the Land 'O Lakes stick butter and on the inside of the packaging you'll find a tasty rendition (it even includes O.J. in it so you can get some Vitamin C while ingesting all that sugar!) Here are a few pictures of my "passing of time".... can you spot the cookie that I have labeled the "Feliz Navidad" Cookie?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you sure are making me feel lazy! :) I went to church, ran a few errands, popped a pizza in the oven for lunch, took a 2 hour nap...and well, that's about it for today. :) Your treats look DELISH! Especially the cookies!!!!!! We're keeping you in our thoughts! Take care!