Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One of those moments...

All women should be able to relate...
Don't you hate those moments when you realize that you have a stray piece of hair slip down your shirt only to securely end up hanging out in your bra. The perfect spot to tickle and annoy you. Of course, this always occurs at the most inconvenient times and places. For example, you notice you are a victim to the torturous hair while taking your daughter for a walk. You realize its presence when you come to a busy intersection that requires you to wait for the traffic to clear before continuing on. What to do? Pull open the top of your shirt and pull it out in front of all the traffic or wait for the clearing. Choices...choices....ok you need to pull that hair out now, no waiting for the "appropriate" time...it tickles!! Open the shirt, look down, grab the little...CRAP....it's a bug!

1 comment:

Jean said...

HAAAHAAA!!! Rolling...off...the...couch...!!! HAAAA