Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Return of Sleep....

We have finally discovered the secret to sleeping the whole night! We started feeding Olivia rice cereal about two weeks ago or so and quickly changed to Oatmeal. She LOVES her oatmeal, especially if it is thick! To give you an idea the doctor said to do 1-2 Tbs with 4-5 Oz of breast milk. Olivia, however, prefers 4 Tbs with 2 Oz of breast milk. Honestly, if I made her 8 Tbs she would love it even more. She eats so quickly and excitedly! It is quite entertaining to watch. Well, after introducing these foods to her diet it really didn't seem to effect her sleeping abilities as she was still just going 3-4 hours throughout the night between feedings. However, sleeping patterns changed with the introduction of veggies. Now her last meal before bed consists of 4 Tbs of Oatmeal, 1/2 a Veggie, and 15-30 minutes of nursing. She is a little piggy but it has resulted in 6 1/2 to 8 1/2 hours of straight sleep. Ahhh...sleep! :)

Of course after these "not so clean" first attempts at new food comes bath time. Her time in the water is her other love, food being the first! Her hair is finally getting long enough to start taking the lovely Mohawk pictures!

1 comment:

Haylee said...

I look forward to sleep...Alivia teased me with over 4 hours of steady sleep, but then wouldn't fall back to sleep and was up the rest of the night. Blah!